3 strategies to manage recruitment with limited resources

3 strategies to manage recruitment with limited resources

Becky Brown
Becky Brown
April 18, 2023

If you have anything to do with recruitment in your job, it can sometimes be difficult to manage all the moving parts, especially if you are doing it with limited resources and competing priorities.

From creating job descriptions to screening resumes, conducting interviews, and negotiating offers, the entire process can be overwhelming, and with candidate behaviour having changed dramatically, how do you keep up in the search for top talent?

Let’s explore 3 simple strategies you can implement today to help manage a successful recruitment campaign with limited resources.

1. Have a well-designed employer brand and EVP

Developing your employer branding and bringing to life your employer value proposition is the process of creating a promise to candidates about the culture of your company and what they can expect if they join.

Your employer brand is more than just a logo or slogan; it's everything from how you talk about yourself on social media, what your values and mission are, to how you treat employees on the job.

Having a well-designed employer brand is the way that you are going to attract top talent, especially in today's competitive job market where candidates are more selective than ever before. In fact, 96% of candidates research an employer’s reputation before switching jobs.

The first step in creating an effective employer branding strategy is defining what makes up your organisation's unique culture-and then sharing that information (your EVP) with potential candidates through all channels such as social media and your careers site.

This can be done with little to no resources, for example, using a phone to take and share photos of the team, video testimonials, or getting your staff to produce employee generated content such as LinkedIn posts.

2. Make sure your website is easy to navigate.

Having an easy to navigate careers site is vital in creating a simple recruitment process for candidates and increasing your chances of top candidates applying for your job. The candidate drop-off rate for people who click 'Apply' but never complete an application is a whopping 92 percent! (Appcast)

So ensuring you take all the measures to make it easy for candidates to apply is going to be extremely beneficial in a candidate applying to your job over a competitors!

An easy to navigate website includes:

  • Having a mobile friendly site – Optimise your job ads and content for mobile because 58.43% of traffic is mobile these days
  • Having employee generated content
  • Having a simple application process
  • Having clear job descriptions

A custom career site can be your best resource for making it easy for candidates to find information about your company and the role. Including links to your teams, jobs, salaries, company benefits, as well as details covering how they can contact you means candidates can be directed to one part of your website that has all the information they need.

3. Create a Positive Candidate Experience

Creating a positive candidate experience is a must in fostering top talent and growing a strong employer brand.

How can we deliver a positive candidate experience? Through making it about them, not you.

Candidates want a personalised experience – people don’t want generic content when applying for a job and this starts from your job description.

Instead of a generic job description, giving candidates the right information up front about the role, opportunity, and company, with clear insights into who their team is, what they will be working on and what's in it for them, is demonstrating a positive candidate experience – people want to be challenged, supported and to grow. How will your business genuinely help them do this?

Candidate communication throughout the application process is also crucial in creating a positive candidate experience. If someone has taken the time to research your company & job and have then taken the time to craft and submit an application, they want honest, timely feedback. This could mean getting back to candidates within 24 hours of an interview, or it could be delivering a video offer!

Creating a positive candidate experience not only has a positive impact on the candidates applying to your job but to their networks too, increasing the likelihood of referrals and a strong employer brand reputation.

You don’t have to have huge budgets and resources or large teams to conduct successful recruitment campaigns. Implementing some key processes and keeping things consistent can result in enhancing your employer brand as well as accessing top talent to work at your business.

Becky Brown
Becky Brown

Senior Recruiter - Health & Community Services