New Year, New Job? How to know when it is the right time to move on from your current role
It’s easy to get stuck in a job that no longer makes you happy. When this happens, it can be hard to imagine what your next move should be. You might feel like the best option is to stay put and hope things will improve, but this rarely works out. Instead, use these five indicators to determine whether or not it is time for you to move on:
The company is no longer a good fit for you
If your company's employer value proposition doesn't align with your values, it could be time to look for a new job. Maybe the culture isn't as inclusive as promised, or maybe there is an unspoken expectation that everyone works crazy hours to get ahead at this company—either way, these things can make it hard to stay motivated day-in-day-out. Every company has their own unique culture and it is about finding one that fits with your values and personality.
There are no opportunities for learning & growth
When you've exhausted all the opportunities for learning and growth within your current company, it may be the right time to move on. This can be a difficult decision to make because of the lack of clarity around the future. However, if you find you are no longer learning and have tried to seek out additional training or mentorship but were denied by your manager or company, then it could be time to pursue another opportunity.
Your manager does not inspire you
- Are you inspired by your manager?
- Do you feel that your manager has your best interests at heart?
- Is your manager someone who inspires you and others to do their best work
If the answer to these questions is no, then it might be time to move on. If a manager is not inspiring their employees, they are unlikely to have good leadership skills and may be more interested in their own success than yours. Who your manager is can be play a massive part in your job choice.
Your compensation package is no longer competitive
Compensation is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not it is time to move on from your current job. If you are not receiving the right package or benefits to match what you are worth, it may be time to find a new job. This doesn't have to be all about salary, it could include other value benefits such as car allowance, salary packaging or working less hours. If the only reason you are unhappy is for financial reasons, is always worth having a conversation with your manager before pursuing a new job as this could be easily addressed!
You don’t believe in the product/company mission
If you are not passionate about the product or the company mission, this could be keeping you from feeling motivated and inspired and it might be time for a change. Of course, there are other reasons that may trump this factor such as financial security and benefits. But if you value working for a company where you believe in the product and mission, and it is not making your heart sing, then you may be a lot happier working for a different company.
Overall, it's important to weigh your options carefully and make sure that the reasons for wanting to leave your current job outweigh the benefits of staying put. Before you start looking for a new job, make sure you have a clear idea of what matters to you the most and what you're looking for in your work.
If you are feeling any of the above indicators and want to stay with your current company, then it could take just a conversation with your manager to make your current work situation improve drastically! Alternatively, it may be the right time to look for a new job.